No matter if the girls run it, or if it is nothing without a woman or a girl, the world still belongs to men. Let's face it, for all of it's natural splendor and wonderment, the Earth is a cruel place. It has brought down dinosaur and humbled great civilizations. So, it safe to say that a man is the best equip and naturally psychotic enough to take it on. I'm privy to the anthem of independent woman and I respect the movement of girl power, but most women need and want a man.
If you look back into my archives you will see that I am very sentimental to the plight and pursuits of women. I am not here to declare that I totally understand all the inner workings of the female psyche, but I am, at the least, sympathetic. I realize that as a man, I have never worried about locking my doors, the stranger walking behind me on a dark street or the crazy person breathing on my phone at 3 a.m.
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Women fight over the wrong guy |
The world can be a very frightening place and you need a special someone to help you navigate it. Unfortunately, the people closes to us are the most likely to hurt us. So, when it comes to love, the disappointments can be hard to bear and even harder to heal from. Desire for a family and children run strong in women. As time passes, one may feel the need to press the process along and thus, make relationship blunders. It happens to the best of us.
In the pursuit of a worthy, male counterpart, too many women are falling for, fighting over and crying about the wrong guy. It's gotten really bad and I have my opinions why. I grew up with older sisters that, as little girls, were handed Barbie dolls and, as teens, they were given make-up and clothes. This may be considered great teaching tools for homemaking, but are awful teaching tools for home "shopping". My sisters were taught how to accessories and imagine how their adults life would be. Many women have their Prince Charming already picked out to compliment their wedding dress. It's really cute to watch little girls play house. However, when grown women play house it's not so cute.
I noticed how women's mistakes in their love pursuits mimicked their childhood play. I call it the "Barbie Doll Syndrome". The Barbie Doll Syndrome is a process in which a woman take a man and attempt to make him over to fit the mode and model of what they desire their mate to be. Much like the doll, women favor the potentiality of a man with less regard for his reality.
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Most women need and want a man |
Now, it's noble to look at a person for all they could be and to assist them in living out those aspired attributes. However, it's important to make sure those aspirations match up to the person and their true abilities and efforts. It's important that they align with your true attributes and intentions.
Yes, men do change! The reality is that men change because they desire to, not because they a prodded. Further reasoning why your ex is such a cool guy after you broke up with him. Sucks, I know!
To do my part and show love to the ladies. For those of you who are doing it BIG and running the show, but have yet to add that complimentary mate to there impressive resume, these are just a few ways that may help you avoid the Stevie J's of the world and hook yourself a Denzel Washington.
Rule#1 The Best Way To Get Over A Man Is To GET Over Him!
Your hairdresser is a good listener. For the price of a great hairdo therapy should be included. However, she is not clinically certified while your behavior may be feeling clinically certifiable. You are a truly independent, boss chic so, you have to "live that life". Nothing is more distasteful than re-living your pain of a bad break up with a prospective suitor. Getting "under" a new man when you haven't gotten "over" an old one just piles on more problems. Plus, women hate to be compared to other women, so avoid doing the same to your new mate, by completely getting over your old one.
Rule#2 You Read The Lines, You Don't Write the Script...
If all the world is a stage, then you better be a great actress. Know your role and play it well. Let him play out his role, so that you can see if he genuinely have leading man credentials. Too many times, ladies like to write out the whole script! Writing evokes the imagination. Relationships reside in reality. Not a good mix. As a result of trying to write the script, you may have the whole show planned out from start to finish. I'm sure its an Oscar winner in your mind, but it turns into a B-movie when you realize you've casting incorrectly.
Rule#3 Think With Your Head, Not With Your....
Women love to say how men think with their penises. No argument here. The truth is men think with there penises to get laid. Having sex, to most men, has little to do with falling in love. Unfortunately, good sex drives many women bananas and they fall in love, through their sexual relationships.We call it getting "sprung", but its more like "going dumb". If you can't discern the difference, it's best you don't indulge. As a matter of fact, if you really are looking for a husband, save the cookie for dessert. Celibate dating prevents an unnecessary soul tie and makes it a lot easier to see the genuine person, thus making it easier to break it off or know if it's the real deal. Plus, he really will have more respect for you...I know, right?!
Rule#4 You Can Only Learn From Your Mistakes, Not His...
Lets keep it one hundred...Women hate to admit they are wrong. And just because someone does something wrong to you doesn't excuse the fact that your retaliation was equally wrong. So, before stepping back on the dating scene, really evaluate the things you did wrong in the last relationship and grow from it as to not repeat it in the do this much better than women and we take longer to date seriously after a bad relationship. I know that annoys women, but why "hurry up and waste time" when you are not fully ready?..Hint: Too many notches on a women's belt are not hot, unless you're hitting the gym!!
Rule#5 In Love, 1+1=1
There is a saying that love "fills in the negative space with positively everything". Though its waxes poetic, whomever wrote this line was drunk outta their mind! In the mathematics of love, two wholes make a whole. Don't look for anything in your mate that you can't provide for yourself. If you are broken over the past or haven't set yourself on a path to accomplish what you want in life, then stay single. You don't have to be near the finish line, but you have to be in the race. And he better be in the same race with you, too! Love takes all of should at least give you that much back! AT LEAST! Know your wealth!