Tuesday, December 11, 2012

America, Can You Handle The Truth?

"It is easier to perceive error than to find truth, for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depths, where few are willing to search for it" 
                                                                - Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe                                     

         Jack Nicholson made the term “You can’t handle the Truth” a famous phrase in the movie A Few Good Men, co-starring Tom Cruise. Nicholson played Colonel Nathan R Jessup, who is rightly accused of being behind the murder of PFC William Santiago. Unfortunately, for most of us, that phrase continues to resonant in everyday life. The Truth is no longer the constant it was when the world and the movies were viewed in black and white. No, the world is seemingly moving to Shades of Grey (much like the book) and the Truth is being perversely blurred by the acceptance of each new rumor and speculation.

          "There are two types of Truth', says Toure Roberts, "The Truth and the things you want (to believe) bad enough that you make it true".

Megyn Kelly
Broadcast news, once the trusted source of Truth, is now the product of partisan philosophy and politics. Each outlet, at war with the other for ratings, has latched on to a preferred bloc of the viewing public. Media has trading the facts for perception to gain an edge in viewership. Despite the decline in manufacturing, over the past two decades, the “rumor mill” continue to churning out record profits for its sordid version of the truth. We have bored of the Katie Courics and gravitated to the Megyn Kelly’s of the world. It’s a wonder this country’s moral fiber is so corrupted and the reason we have allowed ourselves to be manipulated into ungodly wars and preventable crisis.

I am reminded of Jehovah God, on whom this country was allegedly founded, and our declared trust in Him. We mark this declaration on every coin and at every patriotic and political event. But has this declaration been one of Truth or perspective? I pray the former. The fact is…TRUTH HURTS! And since we really don’t like to hurt (though we love to inflict pain on others) we don’t readily accept it. For example, if financially irresponsible homeowners and greedy proprietors were sifted out in the housing industry, we could have alleviated the housing crisis and the subsequent economic disaster. People don’t like to hear they are greedy or incapable and businesses don’t like to hear they may lose profit to save the an industry, so they deny the Truth. And after a few “shady” deals, you get disaster. And to top it off, after disaster, you just get finger pointing.

No, it’s the stupid poor people”!
“Oh no, it’s those greedy rich folks”!

           Truth is: EVERYONE IS TO BLAME! And when honest people try to fix the imbalance, one side or the other cries foul. Instead of facing their fair share of the blame they cry class warfare.

"The American Government Blew Up the World Trade Center"
           Nothing screams “untruth” like the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Plainly speaking, America is a meddling country with an arrogant ignorance of the global world. Simple Truth. If you don’t like to see your own government meddling in your everyday affairs or the police intimidating you in your neighborhood, then what difference is that same feeling from an Arab who sees a tank caravan up his street or foreign soldiers herding his family along checkpoints? Truth is you would more than likely try to rid yourself of them, too. I suppose this makes us insurgents, right? Secondly we need to be honest about what happened. As a former soldier and a construction worker who built high rise towers, I can boldly proclaim the truth. You and I know that the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT BLEW UP THE WORLD TRADE CENTER... Period. Exclamation mark!

Did I hurt your feelings or offend your sensibilities? Good! The Bible says the Truth shall MAKE you free, not SET you free. In order to “make” you free it has to shape you and grow you. This process takes honesty, pain and suffering. We need to be honest with ourselves, America. We are not the good people we claim to be. Good people don’t walk over the homeless, have extra-marital affairs, lie on their resumes or ignore the immorality that is feed to its children across the airwaves. Good people don’t commit perjury, cheat on their taxes, root for the death of foreign leaders, disrespect their own leaders and shot up movie theaters and classrooms. Oh yeah, those perpetrators thought they were good people, too.

I pray that everyone comes into the knowledge of the Truth and make the necessary corrections in their own lives to truly be better people. We have so much information at our disposal, yet we never come into the knowledge of the Truth. (2 Timothy 3:7). Our children know every commercial jingle and song lyric, but can’t comprehend their basic school lessons. Our women are making financial strides and political gains in our country, but are still lacking self-esteem and personal pride. Our men are bigger and stronger, but still are unable to communicate basic affection and care for their children and wives. 

           We do well on the exterior, but we fail miserably on the inner spirit. The poor blame it on the rich. The rich blame it on the stress of money. The Black blame it on the Whites. The Whites blame it on everybody else. The truth is that we all need a reality check and to take personal inventory. The failure acknowledge the Truth is evident by the amount of times the same tragedies and mishaps continue to occur in our lives and in our country. Vietnam became Iraq, the Great Depression became the Great Recession, young loves became old flames, racial discrimination became sexual discrimination. And so on…

Gabby Douglass
One way to describe the parallel between the Lie and the Truth is to struggle compare it to the average persons habits and those of a winning athlete. When she is on the podium waving to her family and fans, we celebrate her and try to identify with her. We go out and we emulate her in our backyards or in our wardrobe. And, in all this, we fail to live up to her standard because we fail the Truth. Truth is, she spent years in training and discipline. She sacrifices her desires to hang out for the Truth that to be better she needed to work harder. While we slept, she was up setting goals and doing personal inventory on her strengths and weaknesses. While we celebrated ourselves, she criticized her performances and broke down the nuances on film. And as a result, when she stood on the podium and celebrated her success in Truth; we sat on the couch watching, fantasizing about what we could have been had we only not lied to ourselves and acknowledged the Truth. And the Truth is: We better get real really fast! Or our very existence will be one failed lie after another!

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