Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Word for 2013

 "Greater is He in that is you than he that is in the world" - 1 John 4:4

Now that the confetti has been swept away and the resolutions have been decreed, let us move toward this new year of 2013 with a renewed hope in ourselves. Be proud of your resolutions and your sense of goals. Keep a positive attitude toward the desires of your heart. But, one important word of caution: "IT'S NOT SUPPOSE TO BE EASY AND IT NEVER WILL BE"!!

Testimonies are just what they appear to me. At the root at any testimony is the word test. In order for you to accomplish your goal, you must be tested in your passion for your purpose. I, personally, hate to be tested. I guess you could say that they make me rather testy. But if you view yourself as the tree that God has planted in this life to bear fruit, you have to view your life in the botanical sense. Every purpose-filled life starts off as a seed or an idea. Next it becomes a plant. If you have ever owned plants you know that they have to be pruned and watered to continue to grow properly. This takes work and patience. This takes pain and priority.

Don't fear when you go through the "pruning process". As we move forward to becoming the established tree in our world, it is imperative to take into account the various stages in our growth. Growing pains are just that: painful! But in the end it brings forth great fruits that will feed a multitude of people. Your growth is not only necessary for your success, but it is just as important for the growth of others. Isn't it because of someone else's fruit (example) that you yourself are inspired? The Holy Bible encourages us to "consider it pure joy, my brother (sister), when you face trails of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith brings perseverance" James 1:3-4.

You are born for destiny and your purpose is mapped out ahead of you. WALK INTO YOUR PURPOSE WITH PRIDE! Furthermore, remember that any time you feel ashamed or embarrassed or that you want to give up, that is only your shallow ego speaking and not the will of Jehovah. "Therefore, there is no condemnation in those that are in Christ Jesus"- Romans 8:1. Our God wants you to be great! If it were not so, why would he waste all His love and energy on you? Keep pushing ahead and surround yourself with truthful, purpose minded people to edify you.

Honestly, 2012 for me was a serious pruning season. I would be disingenuous if I said that I enjoyed the process or that I didn't get discouraged many times. We are all human, right? But when someone tells me how much that I have changed for the better or how they are proud of my example, I know that God is growing me. So, I do my best to energize myself off of these compliments and abort the negative hinderances. I hold fast to the goals obtained and sustain myself with the hope of the future.

Someone will always appear to be more resolute or talented or successful than you, but this life, if done correctly, is designed as a marathon. Others may start off ahead of you, but a sprinter does not this life make. If you endure, you will find that even 2013, with all its joys and trials, rewards and failings is merely another lap in your life's run to purpose. Make the most of this stage and I pray the blessing of Yahweh, the Father, and the obedience of the angels in heaven to guard your hearts and minds throughout what I believe to be an amazing year in your evolution.

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