Dear President Obama,
Now, that you have settled into your second and final term, we the (Black) People of the United States are putting forth some demands. Since you are a child of the Civil Rights movement, it is imperative that you strongly consider the very people and events that have placed you in the highest office of the free world. Those brave and gallant men and women chose not appeasement and tolerance of the ungodly, but determined and unwavering faith in human justice and God's law. We understand the trials associated with your position as America's first African-American president. We have held our peace since your first term when the once dormant virus of racism and sexism reinfected this country with blatant attacks on you, your family and our people. We understand completely the bully that is America's racist culture. We recognize it's propensity to lash out venomously. We stand by apathetic as it effortlessly transforming itself into the role of victim at the slightest hint of righteous resistance. We remain respectful as they declare you the "racist" and the "socialist". We hold our tongues. We proudly stand in long lines baking in the sun to cast our ballots. We have done it twice! We've been patience. We have done our part. We have REPRESENTED!!
But, Mr. President, it's time for you to do your part. You were crowned our Prince and a we confessed and demonstrated our undying loyalty. We have demonstrated our love countless times even denouncing the criticisms of our more consistent and stalwart leaders. We have made too many excuses for you! The truth is we elected you because you were smart and strong and compassionate. But, as importantly, we elected you because you were Black!! You are one of us. We elected who we perceived to be our peer, our brother or shining example. And frankly, your safety doesn't rest with the Secret Service. No sir! Your safety rest with the bully knowing that if he were to harm you that he would bring total destruction on his head. That we would collapse his social system, his justice system and his financial system. So, Mr President, it's time for you to do your part!
We applauded the Lilly Ledbetter Bill for women's financial justice, we held our religious views in private when you advocated same-sex marriage. We accepted the need to allow amnesty for our immigrant brothers and sisters, despite consciously knowing it could add more strain socially and competition financially to our own fragile progress. We supported your hawkish foreign policy even though you haven't done enough for our people in Darfur.We reasoned that you had to portray a solid image of a bipartisan and that you had to clean up the mess of Bush's wars and financial policies for deregulation. But, Mr President, this is your last term and we are cautious about the possibility of electing a second Black president. It is time for you to do your part! We hunger not for retaliation, but exoneration from the crime of being Black in America. We hold you accountable and we demand all that is righteous and acceptable. The needs are innumerable, but the demands are reasonable. It's time to help your people!!
From this day forth and until you act on our behalf we the (Black) People of the United States shall hold your legacy hostage and your feet to the fire.
Here is a list detailing a few examples of our demands:
1) Put the KKK on the watch list of domestic terrorist: Guantanamo Bay is better suited for these the original terrorist of America. How can you kill, steal, rape and pillage a race of people for over 100 years in this country and not be on the terrorist list. These people are our Al-Qaeda!
2) Try George Zimmerman for Civil Rights violations: Why is it when a non-Black goes to court they get all this due process? You don't have to win legally, but we do want to win morally! I am the father of two "Trayvons" and how can I look them in the eye and tell them not to STAND THEIR GROUND when some creepy guy follows them on a rainy dark night. They should be applauded for their courage not exploited by a cheap law! By the way "STATE'S RIGHT" to Black folks is code word for "SLAVERY"!!
3) Address the plight of African-American: Since you have been in office Chicago, alone, is on fire with black violence. 500 murders in a year is unacceptable!!! We need you to make a speech. Prime time! Call us to arms, lead a rally and challenge us! We need you to create legislation to better serve the disadvantages, needs and talents of Black men, women and children in America.What makes us better will ultimately make America better. And if anyone says you are being racial or preferential to Blacks, just tell em: "Hell yeah! And?"
4) Bump Jay-Z! Work with Professor Cornell West, Professor Micheal Eric Dyson and Al Sharpton: Republican media may hate them, but that just means we love them more. They are the leaders of our community and the champions of our cause. The are even real enough to stand up and call you to the mat on your foolishness! Now that's a real allies do! That Oval Office is a cesspool of yes-men in a no-holds-barred time. Come out into the light, but ask them for assistance to help guide you back to what's really going on in the "hood"!!
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American Heroes: Professor Cornell West and Dr. Michael Eric Dyson |
5) Stop appeasing the oppressor: You can bend over backwards for these "people", but they aren't gonna like you! They are the masters of spinning the truth and they have a few Uncle Toms like Reverend Jesse Lee Petersen (who is going to Hell) and Herman Cain. They even got the biggest sell-out (Clarence Thomas) on the Supreme Court dismantling every legislative victory we have had in the last 50 years. They don't need any help from "our" President. Not fair. Not balanced. Get it together and stick it to em'!!
6) Be harder on Black on Black crime: We need some of those drones in some of these projects. We demand you come into the urban neighborhoods and dismantle the drug trade and gun trafficking. We have to eliminate the bad seeds before we can enjoy our good fruits. We have to protect our people and our image from some of our own people! Hand down federal mandatory minimums for Black on Black murder. If we don't honor Black life, no one ever will and the Trayvon Martins of this country will never get justice because they will never be valued.
7) Put God in front: We are so tired of the same people who used the Word of God to beat us into chains, using the Word to beat us into submission. You are a Christian and an intellect. People like George Zimmerman should not be able to say it was "God's will" to stalk and kill a child. And Pat Robertson should not be allowed to get away with saying the Haitian earthquake derived from "a pact with Satan". What would you call 911 then? God doesn't like ugly! But he doesn't accept fear either. Stand up for Christians who know that God is a God of love and tolerance and compassion. They don't represent the truth about us. Stop letting them destroy this country and the true Founder of America and the world!
P.S. We love you. Kiss Michelle and the girls for us. Say your prayers. And get your mind right!!
Sincerely Yours,
The People
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